Tens of emails, but too little time to read them all! That's pretty much what many people feel every time they get to scroll through their inboxes. However, as a writer, the last thing you want to do is write an email marketing copy that makes your readers feel this way.
After all, you spend several hours trying to put these emails together, so the last thing you'd want to happen is for your work to go unnoticed. As surveys have proven, 73% of marketers use click-through rates to measure the success of any campaign.

What Is Email Copying?

A good email copy refers to the writing contained within an email. Readers view it separately from the email design, subject line, and text included by the writer in the introduction. You can view email copy as more of a marketing phrase used for purpose-driven emails. For example, you can't view an email reply written by a member of the copywriting team as an "email copy." But the same doesn't apply to the writing you have in your subscription's reminder emails.

Email Copy Best Practices

Now that we have answered the question, "What is email copy?" we will now take you through everything you need to know to write actionable emails. We will start with tips for better subject lines, followed by those of the email bodies.

Writing a Marketable Subject Line

Every email writing service knows it needs to nail the subject line if readers are to pay attention to its copy. A subject line serves as the gatekeeper to the copy: no one will want to read its body if the subject line isn't interesting enough to get them to open the email. You need to garner this interest wholly on the subject line (the sender's name will also play an active role in this). When it comes to email marketing copywriting, you need to apply the following tips to the subject line.
  1. Use Actionable Language: In subject lines, this doesn't always mean using a verb, e.g., "buy," "download," or "reserve," but its use does help. An ideal subject line includes the value that the reader will derive from opening the email. It should invite interaction.
  2. Align the Subject Line with the Email Copy: By now, you already know the importance of aligning your CTA copy and your landing page offer. This is no different when creating the subject line and the email marketing copy. The body should deliver what the subject promises.
  3. Use Numbers and Statistics: Email users love numbers because they provide clear information and are easily digestible. Combining them with statistics increases their chances of standing out visually. Studies show that subject lines with numbers have open rates of 57%.
An email marketing copy that goes unread is a wasted email. Make sure to choose your subject line words carefully to ensure your content lands in the correct inbox and that it doesn't go unread.

How to Write A Good Email Copy

Once you're done with the subject line, you're assured that you have your audience's full attention. It's now time to create a copy that will have them clicking on your CTA.
  • Establish Relevancy: Use personalization to establish relevancy with the audience. The best place to do this is at the beginning of your email. Explain how you know the recipient and tailor the copy to ensure it resonates with their needs.
  • Use Second Person POV in Your Writing: Writing in the second person POV requires you to use pronouns such as "you," "your," and "yours." These pronouns make the email feel personal and engaging.
  • Be Brief in Your Writing: One of the most common mistakes made by writers practicing email marketing copywriting is to attempt to shove a whole story into the copy. Most readers opt to skim through emails, which is why you need to optimize the email for the same.
Using a conversational tone can make you lovable and your emails actionable. Making the copy sound as though it's from a friend instead of a faceless company can build a stronger connection and increase engagement.


The tips above all rely on your writing ability. However, you should also note that the email copy best practices need much more than clarity and adherence to grammar practices. They also need you to employ the right tone. Your tone can transform a copy from a marketing ploy to a friendly correspondence between two friends. Nailing the tone will make the copy feel more readable and immersive, increasing the engagement rate.
Opportunities For Freelance Email Copywriters